الأحد، 5 أكتوبر 2008

My kurds creation

My kurds creation
Originally uploaded by jan Kurdistan
History of the Kurds
The Kurds are descendants of the Indo strains right at the edge of the Zagros mountain area during the millennium BC As early as 2000 BC there were a people called kardaker considered to be the Kurds' ancestors.
Only 636 AD was a major change in this area where most of the Kurdish people, as a result of the Arab conquest trains, was Islamism.

In the early 1500s became Kurdistan an injury spot for hard fighting between the Ottoman and Persian Empire. In the mid-1800s did the first division of territory between the two empires. At the end of the First World War took a further sharing of rooms. Kurdistan was now divided into four parts, between the four countries, Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria. The Kurds have fought for its independence and repeatedly promised some sort of autonomy in the new states. But there have been promises betrayed. The RENASCENT nationalism spoke not a strong minority. Economic interests and former colonial countries also watching over the newfound oljerikedomer in the Kurdish area. The Kurds remained the people without a country.

Majority of kurdena are Muslims, predominantly Sunnis. The largest non-Muslim group among the Kurds is yezideierna, a sect which has its roots in Zoroastrianism. There are several other small religious groups in Kurdistan.

Kurdish language belongs to the Indo-language family and is one of the languages of the indoiranska language group. Kurdi Scanning has several dialects. The two main Kurdish dialects north is also known as kurmanji and sydkudiska also called Sorani. These two dialects are also written today, although with different alphabets.

The Kurds in Turkey
The majority of Kurds live in Turkey. They are estimated to be between 14 and 15 million. In Turkey does not even recognize the Kurds' existence. Everything is prohibited regarding Kurds and Kurdistan. The revolts by Kurds achieved by the turn of the century and until the 30s was crushed in the most inhuman manner. Children, women and old burned in the woods or inside closed in mountain caves. Thousands of Kurds were deported from Kurdistan to those western parts of Turkey, especially to the Konya region.

The Kurds in Iran Kurds in Iran fought side by side with other Iranians to overthrow the non-democratic and unfair Shah system. It acted for improvements. But the result was anything but democracy and justice. A reactionary and undemocratic Islamic leadership, famous for terror took power. In the beginning controlled the Kurds throughout their area. But Khomeny declared a so-called "weekend war" against the Kurds and Islamic troops, father of Kurdistan. They devastate everything to mitigate the Kurdish rebellion. During the first year executed more than 50,000 Kurds.

The Kurds in Iraq's dictatorial regime in Iraq has been conducting a racist policy against kurderna.Den trying to destroy everything Kurdish. Terror, humiliation, forced displacement and förarabisering of Kurdistan is the regime's policies. Kurds freedom quest response was to chemical weapons.

Kurds in Syria in Syria introduced during conscious silence an Arabization policy against the Kurds. Where the Kurds have no identity documents and as refugees, although they have lived there for generations. The Syrian Kurdistan, the Kurds are not any armed struggle, but motståndsrörelen trying to peacefully achieve the goals that are fair and jämlighet for the Kurds.

The current situation in Kurdistan Kurds in Iraqi Kurdistan rose up after the Gulf War, and liberated the whole of their territory. But when Iraq attacked Kurds fled almost two and a half million Kurds neck over your head away Iraqi army. Most fled to Iran and Turkey. The scale of this mass along with concerns about its destabilizing effect on the entire Middle East prompted the United Nations and a number of other international actors to perceive the situation as a threat to international peace and security. The Security Council adopted resolution 688 related to send allied troops and UN guards to Iraqi Kurdistan in order to establish and oversee a free zone. The Kurdish problem became an international issue as never before in history. Despite the tremendous cost in human suffering of the Kurds in Iraqi Kurdistan was thought that it would lead to a positive development for the international community as a whole.
1992 chose kurdena its own parliament and a Kurdish government to steer in the area. Unfortunately this was not persistent and a war between those two main Kurdish groups broke out which led to the relationship became even worse for the Kurds in Iraqi Kurdistan. Iran, Iraq and Turkey has put itself in the conflict, which impairs the ability to find a solution.
The Kurds in the Iranian-and Syrian Kurdistan has not experienced any dramatic changes after the Gulf War. The resistance movement in Iranian Kurdistan has become something stronger and the fight goes on.
Kurdish resistance in Turkish Kurdistan has developed into a mass movement in the major cities in the region, including demonstrations and popular uprisings. Meanwhile, the Turkish army brutality against the Kurds has increased in recent years. The Kurds are forced to leave their homes. Their towns and villages destroyed, their forests are systematically set on fire. The women chosen, the men tortured to death and the prisons are full of young people. There is an ongoing genocide in Turkish Kurdistan. People are afraid and dare not go out other than in the group. This is a small selection of what is going on in Turkish Kurdistan today.

Halabja Halabja is a city in southern Kurdistan, it had about 70,000 inhabitants. Wednesday, 16th March 1988 ansöll Iraqi air the peace of the city on 16 different occasions. In each attack aircraft participated 6-8. The bombs which were lowered over the city was gasbomber containing several internatioellt banned chemical poisons. At least five thousand people, mostly children, women and old, died immediately. And 10,000 were wounded. The city's all inhabitants fled, mostly to Iran. Since the spring of 1991 has many moved back to Halabja. Among the Kurds of Halabja called "Kurdistan Hiroshima."

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